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About Us

Introduction to Shalom al Yisrael website:


“May He grant you your heart’s desire and bring all your plans to success.” Tehillim/Psalm 20:4


Our hearts’ desire at Shalom al Yisrael Messianic Congregation is to be  instruments in the hand of Yahweh Elohim to implement the ingathering of His people—Yisrael/Israel. That by and through His righteous instructions of Torah and His Mashiach (Messiah) Yeshua, the Living Torah, there would come repentance, restoration, healing and growth to maturity.


We desire to be a people of one mind and one heart, walking in  harmony, prepared to walk on planet earth for Yahweh’s glory in these present days and to be prepared for the return of His Great King, Yeshua. That is the success of Tehillim/Psalm 20:4 that we desire.


Should this be the desire of your heart, we invite you to visit us and see whether this is the place where Yahweh would have you become a part of a Torah-observant family and community.


Brachot b’shem Yeshua haMashiach,

Blessings in the name of Yeshua the Messiah,

Pastor Terry and Shoshana Swedlund

and the family/community of Shalom al Yisrael


For more information about us and for meeting times, please call: Pastor Terry Swedlund at

937-559-2145 and leave a message. You may contact us through this website and we will respond to your inquiry.

Thank-you and Shalom.


Our Vision

The Hope of Shalom al Yisrael Messianic Israel Torah Observant Assembly (SYMITOA)


Shalom al Yisrael Assembly believes that Yeshua HaMashiach  was and is the true Messiah, the Lion of Judah, the Branch Who will fully reunite all Israel; that He died and rose from the dead, and is now seated at the right hand of the Almighty; and according to the ancient Set Apart Scriptures, The Tanach (Torah (the Body of Instruction), Nevaim (the Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings) and the Apostolic writings of Yeshua  written by (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) and the rest of the the Brit HaDashah (Renewed Covenant)  Yeshua is YHVH Elohim (God) appearing in the flesh, as Yeshua demonstrated in Himself (Deu 18:18-19; John 8:58; 10:33; Mat 12:6-8; 9:35; 15:31; Isa 11; 53; Micah 5:2-4; Luke 24:46; Isa 8:14; John 2:22; Acts 3:15-17; Heb 13:20; 1 John 4:2; 2 John 1:7; Rev 5:5; John 1:1).

Shalom al Yisrael Assembly believes we are made righteous in Messiah Yeshua (He is the heart of Abraham’s unconditional covenant). The sign of the Renewed Covenant is circumcision of the heart, which leads to confession, salvation, faith, grace, and to good works in Messiah. The conditional Mosaic covenant presents the eternal truths of Torah (God’s teaching and instructions) to His people, the hearing of which brings about blessing or curse (respond in obedience and be blessed, disobey and lack). In the Renewed Covenant, Yeshua’s law, which does not contradict the Eternal Words of Torah, is to be written on our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Rom 4:13-16; 5:2; 10:10; 1 Pet 1:19; 2 Cor 5:21; Gal 3:16,29; Titus 3:5; Heb 10:38; 1 John 1:9; Eph 2:8; James 2:14; Deu 28; Ezek 36:26; Jer 31:31-33; Heb 10:16; Gal 2:16; John 5:46; 10:30; 14:2; 15:10). Shalom al Yisrael Assembly is  a people whose heart’s desire is to fully reunite the Olive Tree of Israel, to restore “both branches,” both Ephraim and Judah, into one, redeemed nation of Israel, through Messiah Yeshua. We seek to arouse Ephraim from obscurity, and by example, to awaken Judah to the Messiah and thus to hasten both Yeshua’s return to Earth and the restoration of Israel’s Kingdom (Mat 6:10; 12:25; 21:43; 24:43; Luke 22:29-30; Mark 13:34; Luke 22:29-30; 2 Chr 11:4; Eze 37:15-28; Jer 11:10,16; 2:18,21; Rom 11:17,24; Eph 2:11-22; Acts 1:6). Shalom al Yisrael Assembly deems the Jewish people to be the identifiable representatives and offspring of Judah, plus “the children of Israel, his companions,” and that non-Jewish followers of the Messiah from all nations have been, up till now, the unidentifiable representatives and offspring of Ephraim, plus “all the house of Israel, his companions” (Gen 48:19; Hos 1-2; 5:3; Eze 37:16; Jer 31:6-9; Gen 15:2-5; 26:3; 28:4; Heb 11:9; Isa 56:3,6-8; Eph 2:11-22). Shalom al Yisrael Assembly affirms that the Jewish people have been kept identifiable as seed of the patriarch Jacob, YHWH’s covenant people, to preserve His Torah (Law), Feasts, and seventh day Shabbat (Sabbath);that the salvation of the Jewish people through their acceptance of Messiah Yeshua, will be the crowning act of mankind’s redemption, and is necessary for the restoration of the Kingdom to Israel. Further, the Father plans that Ephraim, they being the “wild olive branch,” stimulate Judah to desire what they have; they are called to walk in a way that will make Judah jealous of their relationship with the God of Israel (Gen 48:19; Isa 11:13; 37:31,32; Zec 2:12; Eze 37:15-28; Hosea 1:7; Rom 10:19; 11:11,14; Mat 23:39). Shalom al Yisrael Assembly believes that many of the non-Jewish followers of Yeshua are returning Ephraim, those who were once among the Gentiles as “LoAmmi/Not a people,” but have been restored to the commonwealth of Israel through their covenant with Israel’s Messiah, and are no more “Gentiles,” but fulfill the promised restoration of uprooted Ephraim, and Jacob’s prophecy that Ephraim would become “melo hagoyim/fullness of the Gentiles.” As Ephraim, they have been kept in mystery until recently and have been used to preserve the testimony of Yeshua, the Messiah of all Israel. Their awakening, recognition, and performance as Ephraim, and their reunion with Judah, is part of the Divine plan for Israel’s restoration to her Messiah and to the Kingdom of YHVH (Gen 48:19; Hosea 1:9-10; 5:3; 8:8; Amos 9:9; Jer 31:18-19; Zec 10:7; Rom 9:24-26; 11:25-26; Eph 2:11-22). Shalom al Yisrael Assembly declares that Believers in Yeshua were not meant to replace Judah as Israel, but as “Ephraim,” they are part of the called out ones (ekklesia/assembly), and in these latter- days, the Father is leading them to, whenever it is scripturally possible, join with Judah; so that Judah (faithful Jewish ones who will receive Messiah) and Ephraim (faithful non-Jewish Messiah followers) can fulfill the destiny of the two houses of Israel – so that, together, they might fulfill the prophesies about the one, unified, victorious people of Israel (Jer 31:9; Rom 8:29; Col 1:15,18; 2:12; Heb 12:22-24; Lev 23:2-36; Exo 19:5; 1 Pet 1:1; 2:9; Jer 3:18; 23:6; Zec 8:13; 12:1-5; Mat 25:31-46; Exo 12:48-49; Num 15:15-16; Isa 56:3,6-8). Shalom al Yisrael Assembly maintains that up to this general time “blindness in part” has happened to both houses of Israel, and as the blinders are lifted, non-Jewish followers in Yeshua will gain insight into their role as Ephraim.  They will become defenders of Torah’s Scriptural truths and brother Judah, and due to this character change, many Jewish people will accept Yeshua as the Messiah. The reunion and full restoration of the two houses: This is the hope that burns in the hearts of those of Shalom al Yisrael Assembly…

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