Torah is Life
We at Shalom al Yisrael Assembly want to make ourselves available to those who are being stirred to find the Hebraic roots of their Faith in Yeshua. If you are interested in attending our assembly, please contact us through Pastor Terry L. Swedlund - 937-559-2145
You can use our contact page on our web site.
Blessings in the name of Yeshua the Messiah,
Pastor Terry and Shoshana Swedlund
Our Vision
Our Vision continues to unfold before our eyes and we will share it with you as it does. Pastor Terry

Feasts & Special Days
We observe all the Feasts of Yahweh found in Leviticus 23. Be sure to check our calendar of events to see what is current.
Please Note: We are in the process of creating our Website and the calendar information will be updated as we prepare our site.
Shabbat Services
Shabbat Services are held in the main Assembly center: You will have to call for location.
Any additional services will be announced on our calendar which will be posted at a later date.

Latest News
Check out pictures of our new building and where we meet.
Pictures still in development.
To be announced through the calendar
Building Fund
We encourage you to donate as Yahweh blesses to help with the costs of general expenses such as Heating with Electricity and Water Bill.
We invite you to join our mailing list and receive emails we send out with news, or special meetings.
This Week's Torah Portion

We will be posting Torah portions of teaching from Pastor Terry and other leaders within our own Assembly and other Messianic Torah sites.
Until then we encourage you to use
Natan Lawrence's Website for a balanced look at each weekly Torah portion. Click on this link to go to the Website